

didacticization, didactic potential, authentic audiovisual material, communicative competence, competence.


The article reveals the didactic potential of authentic audiovisual materials in the context of translators’ training based on the works of the bands Rammstein and Till Lindemann. The use of the biblio-semantic method made it possible to study and generalize theoretical experience on didactic issues, in particular, songwriting. Thus, the article analyses approaches to the definition of the concept of "didacticization", suggests the own one and determines the guiding principles of didacticization of audiovisual materials in the context of professional training of linguists and translators based on the formed corpus of illustrative research material. Attention is focused on the argumentation of the ways of using the songs of the bands Rammstein and Till Lindemann for the development of various types of speech activity. In particular, it was found that in the context of the professional training of linguists and translators, the relevant criteria should be the following: a clear potential for didactic training in order to develop key competencies, correlation with the curriculum (studied topics), compliance with the age expectations and language level of the recipients. Didacticization of audiovisual material involves training in basic types of speech activity, i.e., listening, reading, oral and written speech. The set of exercises presented in the survey performs an intensification or consolidation function and focuses on practising skills for a certain type of speech activity.


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How to Cite

Yehorova , O., Prokopenko, A., & Martynenko, S. (2023). DIDACTIC POTENTIAL OF AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS IN TRANSLATORS’ TRAINING. Philological Treatises, 15(2), 156–166. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1116