

psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic construct, conflict, unconscious, fear.


The article is dedicated to the poetics of psychoanalysis in the early prose works of S. Protsyuk. The system of psychoanalytic codes in the collections of novels and short stories “The Gallows for Tenderness” and “Seraphims and Misanthropes” consists of categories of destruction, immorality, neurosis, conflict, fear, the presence of which allows to interpret the early prose of Ukrainian writers by psychological works. It is revealed that S. Protsyuk’s early prose works significantly influenced the formation of the author’s unique poetics and style, built on the principles of psychoanalysis in his great epic (“Infection”, “Totem”, “Sacrifice”, “Doll Destruction”, “Fingers between the sand” etc.). It is investigated that psychoanalytic constructs in the collections “Gallows for Tenderness” and “Seraphims and Misanthropes” are not presented systematically and quite heterogeneously, which indicates the process of development and formation of the author’s style. Techniques of self-knowledge, self-copying, insight, self-criticism and honesty with oneself are naturally reinforced by complex categories of fear, insecurity, destruction, immorality, despair, psychosis, neurosis, perverted fantasies and suicidal thoughts of early epic characters. Psychoanalytic typification of characters is facilitated by the introduction into the structure of the text of psychiatric terms that form the background of psychoanalysis, motivating some of the actions of the characters in the works. S. Protsyuk’s early work is marked by anti-imperial motives as one of the basic factors in the formation of dissatisfaction, resistance, unconscious resistance and resistance to the system, devaluation of social values and more. Psychoanalytic sounding in the works is acquired by neurotic love (“Gallows for Tenderness”), undivided love (“Drop of Beresh”), mental and psychological vicissitudes of the participants of the love triangle (“Red Rose”, “Black Rose”), “Self-destruction and Monologues”). Psychoanalytic constructs of novels form a new type of hero in the literature of the late XX – early XXI centuries the writer skillfully characterizes the mental organization of a number of psychoanalytic tools, techniques and tools.


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How to Cite

Chernysh, . A. (2022). POETICS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS IN THE EARLY PROSE OF STEPAN PROTSYUK. Philological Treatises, 14(1), 135–143. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1030