

: poetics, genre paradigm, problems, artistic psychologism, chronotope, narration, pathos, character, novel.


The article is devoted to the study of poetics features of the novel “Fern’s Children” by the modern Ukrainian writer M. Dochynets. Appealing to the concepts of G. Klochek, M. Kodak, A. Tkachenko, the genre specifics, narrative features, chronotopic continuum, artistic psychologism and pathos of the work are studied. It has been determined that novel “Fern’s Children” M. Dochynets by has a polysynthetic genre nature traditional for the prose writer’s creative work, as it skillfully combines the features of a life novel, a diary novel, and a novel in short stories. Analysis of narrative features helped to determine dominance I-narration in the novel of the prose writer, which is explained by the genre originality and ideological and thematic focus of the works on the disclosure of the psychosis of a strong personality. Modeling the artistic reality of the novel “Fern’s Children”, M. Dochynets emphasizes the importance of space, which in accordance with the ideological and thematic content of the work is marked as Own/Alien. Exploring the inner world of the individual, the prose writer actively uses retrospection, which reveals changes in the consciousness of the character over time. It was found that the inner world of M. Dochynets’ characters is artistically recreated with the help of monologues-reflections, monologues-memories and monologues-confessions with elements of self-characterization, which is explained by the specifics of the concept of the character writer-intellectual with life experience. The study emphasizes that the problem-thematic range of the novel “Fern’s Children” is aimed at artistic reproduction of issues relevant to modern Ukrainian society: war and its impact on human psychology, understanding the specifics of Ukrainian worldview, national identity, the importance of self-actualization and etc. The humanistic and heroic pathos of the work is determined by M. Dochynets’ desire to present the image of a modern Ukrainian hero – a defender of his native land and a deep conviction in the boundless spiritual possibilities of man and his value as a person.


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How to Cite

Ishchenko , O. (2022). POETICS OF THE NOVEL “FERN’S CHILDREN” BY MYROSLAV DOCHYNETS. Philological Treatises, 14(1), 35–46. Retrieved from http://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1019